Farmacy – Westbourne Grove London, UK

Visited The Farmacy mid-week for an early lunch, so no need to make a reservation. Lovely setting and decor, attentive wait staff, and an interesting looking menu had TBDV looking forward to the meal! We ordered:

An order of sweet potato fries and an Asian Salad – which was supposed to be a mixed leaf salad with broccoli, cucumber, mushrooms and a sesame ginger dressing. What we got was what you see above, which didn’t have a lot of the ingredients as lated on the menu, but did have avocado.

Ah yes, Avocados. Another pet peeve. And another cop-out of sorts, in TBDV’s opinion. It seems one cannot avoide avocados in some shape or form when out for a vegetarian or vegan meal – they are everywhere! Can you tell someone’s not a fan? Weird flavour and a god-awful texture – just don’t get it.

Anyway, onto:

Artichoke Pizzetta – sourdough base, tomato and artichoke sauce, vegan cheese. This was pretty tasty, if a little dry, and well worth seeking out for a snack to share.

Also ordered:

The Farmacy Burger – millet, black bean and mushroom patty, with all the fixin’s. Including, yup you guessed it, avocado. Thankfully they had no objection to serving it on the side, where it belongs.

Burger was perfectly decent, but not one of the best burgers I’ve ever had.

Finally, we had:

Chocolate chip cookies – gluten free, and vegan chocolate chip cookies, served with a fresh, warm almond milk. These we’re good, no question about it. Moist, tasty, moreish, warm. Yummy. But, for £8 for 2 cookies, they had better be.

All in all, a pleasant meal, but an expensive one. All of the above, and a single espresso came to almost £60. That’s punchy for a lunch. Would we go back? Maybe.

TBDV Rating: 🍺🍺🍺1/2
