Jack’s Wife Freda – 224 Lafayette Street, NYC, USA

On a recommendation, headed over to Jack’s Wife Freda for breakfast on our first day in New York.

A very cute little restaurant, with a couple of tables outside, friendly staff, and basically a very welcoming atmosphere.

TBDV needed a protein fix, so settled on the Green Shakshuka – baked eggs with a green tomato sauce. Additions available we’re avocado (um, nope!) and feta cheese (feta good!). Really enjoyed this dish, perfectly cooked eggs, lovely, fresh, tangy flavour from the tomatillo, complemented perfectly with the saltiness of the feta. Highly recommended.
The Other Half (TOH) decided on a simple smashed Avocado on toast, served with a side salad. According to TOH, however, this was simple, with just the right amount of elevation – the avocado was fresh, the carrots added some welcome texture, and the tomato chutney gave it enough acidity and spiciness. This is all hearsay you understand, TBDV isn’t going anywhere near an avocado.

All in all, a most enjoyable meal and experience. Would definitely go back.

TBDV Rating: 🍺🍺🍺🍺
