Taste of Hong Kong

So we bought our tickets for Taste Hong Kong online early to save a bit of $$, and headed down there on Saturday afternoon. For a food festival, I can think of no finer setting:

On the beer side, we had a choice of mainly macro beers, with Heroes Beer being the notable exception, even if they did only have 3 of their wide selection available on tap. Still, we were grateful to have them there.

OK, onto the food (being that it was a food festival and all…). Um. What can we say? Minimal vegetarian selection – I think we saw a grand total of 4 veggie dishes available throughout the event and, to be honest, it didn’t look like a lot of effort was made in thinking those up.

Look, we get it. Us lowly vegetarians are obviously not the target market, but it would have been great if there was some sort of consideration for the herbivores amongst us. We can’t lay blame with the organizers, nor with the chefs who spent their hard earned money to be there, but all in all, it was a disappointing culinary experience for us.

Fingers crossed for next year!

TBDV Rating: 🍺1/2
